Khwaja Gharib Nawaz, History
Khwaja Baba,Khwaja Baba, Khwaja Baba,Khwaja Baba
Khwaja Moinuddin Chisty (R.A.) was born in Seistan (East Persia) also known as Sejistan,
around 537 Hijri in a respected family. His father Khwaja Ghayasuddin (R.A.) and
mother Syeda Bibi Ummalwara alias Bibi Mahe-Noor were the descendants of Hazrat
Ali (R.A.) through his sons Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain, Khwaja Saheb lost both
his Father and Mother at an early age of sixteen years. He inherited an orchard
and a wind mill which serve as his means of livelihood. One day when Khwaja Saheb
was working in his orchard, a pious dervish and Majzoob, Ebrahi Qandoozi, came and
took his seat under the shade of a tree. When Khwaja Saheb saw him, he brought a
bunch of grapes and presented it to his guest. The visitor ate those grapes and
was delighted, and took something out of his bag, chewed it, and then offered it
to his young host. Khwaja Saheb ate it without any hesitation, and at once the light
of wisdom and knowledge dawned upon the young Khwaja. Thereafter he disposed of
all his worldly belongings, and distributed the money amongst the poor. Having thus
broken all the ties with worldly affairs, he started for Samarqand and Bukhra, then
the great centers of learning for acquiring religious education and knowledge.
When Khwaja Saheb had acquired the best knowledge and wisdom of the time, he traveled
widely in search of a pir (Spiritual guide) who could provide him the best spiritual
guidance. He came to know of Hazrat Khwaja Usman Haruni (R.A.) who was the greatest
scholar and unrivalled spiritual guide of that period. In the very first meeting
Khwaja Saheb completely submitted himself to his Murshid and remained in the company
of this great divine spiritual leader for twenty years and served him devotedly,
passing through the various stages of the spiritual life. Thus the great Murshid
trained and elevated Khwaja Saheb to the highest spiritual attainments.
As the great Khwaja became accomplished and perfect in every respect, the divine
tutor honoured him with his robe and took him to HAJ. Both, then proceeded to Makkah
and performed the HAJ, and then went to MADINA and stayed there for some time, to
get the blessings of The Prophet of Islam (Sal Allaho Alaiyhe Wa Sallam).
One night in a trance, he was ordered by The Holy prophet (Sal Allaho Alaiyhe Wa
"O Moinuddin you are a prop of our faith. Proceed to India and show the path
of truth to the people there". In compliance with the above spiritual command,
Khwaja Saheb left Madina for India. He continued his journey, passing through Isphahan,
Bukhara, Heart, Lahore and Delhi meeting several prominent Sufis of the period.
He arrived at the barren and desolated land of Rajputana which is now known as Rajasthan.
On his way to INDIA, he enrolled large number of people in his fold and blessed
thousands of others with spiritual power.
Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chisty arrived in AJMER at the age of 52 years around 587
A.H./1190 A.D., on his divine mission, unique in the annals of Islam. His only Armour
for the success of his great mission was the greatest "invisible power"
the pervades and sustains the whole universe. At that time Ajmer was ruled by Prithvi
Raj Chauhan the famous Rajput king. In his court, he had a large number of powerful
magicians with Ajai Pal as their leader. Khwaja Saheb stayed at a hill close to
Ana Sagar lake. Now known as the Chilla Khwaja Saheb. When news spread, that a very
pious Dervish had come to Ajmer people began to flock to him in increasing number.
Whosoever came to him, received the kindest treatment and blessing and simplicity
that they began to embrace Islam. Many became his disciples. Even Ajai Pal submitted
himself to the divine powers of Khwaja Saheb , gave up all his magic and became
his disciple.
While this was going on at Ajmer Shahabuddin Ghori again attacked India, in 1192
A.D. and in the famous battle of Tarain defeated Prithvi Raj. When Shahabuddin Ghori
came to know of the presence of Khwaja Saheb at Ajmer, he personally came to see
him at his place, and enjoyed the grace of his meeting.
Khwaja Saheb continued his noble and magnificent mission, showing the path of truth
to the people. He also sent his disciples and successors to different parts of country
who too served the people and preached the tenants of Islam. Some of his prominent
successors are:
1. Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki (R.A.) (Delhi ob. 1236).
2. Hazrat Shaikh Fariduddin Ganjshker (R.A.) (Pak Pattan ob. 1265).
3. Hazrat Shaikh Nizamuddin Aulia (Delhi ob. 1325).
4. Hazrat Shaikh Nasiruddin Chirage Delhi (Delhi ob. 1356).
At the age of 50 yrs. when he was almost setttled in Ajmer and the preachings were
on the top, he dreamt of Prophet Mohammed (Sal Allaho Alaiyhe Wa Sallam) who said,
" O Moinuddin! You have been very active in obeying Allah's orders but why
dindn't you follow mu Sunnat." Thus, Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) made two marraiges
one after another.
In those days a saint Wajihuddin Mash-hadi (R.A.) was staying in Ajmer. One night
he saw Imam Jafer Sadiq (Alehis Salaam) in dream, who quoted Prophet Mohammed(Sal
Allaho Alaiyhe Wa Sallam) as saying to give his daughter in marriage to Khwaja Moinuddin
Chishti as he is one of the loving persons of Allah and his Prophet (Sal Allaho
Alaiyhe Wa Sallam).
When he woke up, he was very happy. He went to Kheaja Sahib and told about his dream.
Khwaja Sahib said, " Though he is on the verge of his life and has no need
to marry but obedience of Prophet Mohammed (Sal Allaho Alaiyhe Wa Sallam) is also
necessary, so I accept the offer whole heartedly and ready for the marraige. This
made Syed Sahib (R.A.) very happy and he married his daughter Bibi Asmat with him.
Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) also had a second marraige. Some historians write that his second
wife Ummatullah was the daughter of a Raja, who accepted Islam willingly.
Three sons and one Daughter were born to the two wives whose names are :
1. Hazrat Khwaja Fakhruddin (R.A.).
2. Hazrat Khwaja Hisamuddin (R.A.)
3. Hazrat Khwaja Ziauddin Abu Sayeed (R.A.)
4. Bibi Hafiza Jamal Rahmatullah Aleiha.
He was the eldest son of Khwaja Sahib (R.A.) who earned his livelihood by farming
in Mandal town. He was a great saint and a scholar as well . Agter twenty years
of Khwaja Sahib. (R.A.) death he died in Sarwar town, some 40 miles away from Ajmer.
His Mazar is located near a pond in the town. His Urs is celebrated on the 3rd of
Shaban every year with great fervour. He was blessed with five sons. One of his
sons, Hazrat Khwaja Hussamuddin was a perfect Sufi. His grave is at Sanbar Sharif.
Every year on 13 and 14 Rajab Urs is organised.
He was the second son and he was a great saint, as well as possessin the quality
of revelation. he made very tough exercises for self purification. at the age of
45, he disappeared from the human eyes and joined invisible religious fraternity.
He was the youngest son of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz and was a great religious person.
He died. He died at the age of 50. His Mazar is on a platform near Jhalara Ghat
in Ajmer Sharif. His Urs-e-Mubarak is celebrated on 13th Zil-Hijja every year.
She was the only daughter of Khwaja Sahib. She was a great religious personality.
Khwaja Sahib granted her Khilafat. She guided thousands of women to the righteous
path. She was married to Hazrat Shaikh Raziuddin (R.A.). He was the son of Qzai
Hamiduddin nagori (R.A.) Her Mazar -e-Mubarak is located below the Mazar of Khwaja
After achieving the objectives of his mission and complying with the command given
to him by the Holy prophet, his noble soul left the corporeal body on the 6th of
Raja 633 A.H. / 16th March 1236 at the age of 97. He was buried in the same cell
(Hurrah) which was the center of his divine activities, throughout his stay at Ajmer.
Today his tomb is popularly known as "Dargah Khwaja Saheb, Ajmer". People
of all walks of life and faith from all over the world, irrespective of their caste,
creed and beliefs visit this great shrine to offer flowers of there esteem and devotion.
The rich and the poor stand side by side to pay their homage and respect to the
divine soul.
Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Hasan Chishty (R.A) was one of the descendants of the illustrious
family of Hazrat Ali, the son-in-law and cousin of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W).
His father Syed Ghayasuddin Hasan(R.A) was a very pious personality. His mother,
Syeda Bibi Ummalwara alias Bibi Mahe-Noor, was the daughter of Syed Daud. While
Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin's paternal genealogy is traced from Hazrat Imam Husain,
the younger son of Hazat Ali Karam-Allah Wajahu, his maternal genealogy is traced
from Hazrat Imam Hasan, the elder son of Hazrat Ali.
Below are given both of these, genealogies :
Paternal geneology
Khwaja Moinuddm Hasan Chishti son of Khwaja Syed Ghyasuddin Hasan son of Syed Ahmed
Hasan Sanjari son of Syed Husain Ahmed son of Hazrat Najmuddin Tahir son of Syed
Khwaja Abdul Aziz Husain son of Syed Imam Mohammed Mehdi son of Syed Imam Hasan
Askari son of Imam All Naqi son of Syed Imam Mohammed Taqi son of Imam Ah Musi Raza
son of Imam Musa Kazim Raza son of Imam Mohammed Jafar Sadiq son of Imam Mohammed
Baqar son of Hazrat Syed Imam Zain-ul Abideen son of Syed-us-Shohada Syed Imam Husain
son of Hazrat Ali Karam-Allah-Wajahu son-in-law of the Holy Prophet Mohammed.
Maternal genealogy
Syeda Bibi Mah-e-Noor daughter of Syed Daud son of Hazrat Abdulla son of Syed Zahid
son of Syed Moons son of Syed Daud-I son of Syedna Musa son of Syedna Abdulla Mahaz
son of Syedna Hasan Musa son of Syedna Hazrat Imam Hasan son of Syedna Hazrat Ali
Karam-Allah Wajahu son in law of the holy prophet.
The two are related to each other by blood. Khwaja Gharib Nawaz and Hazrat Ghous
Pak are maternal cousins.One more relation is that Hazrat Shaikh Mohiuddin Abdul
Qadar Jilani (Ghousul Azam) is a maternal uncle of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.).
Hazrat Shaikh Mohiuddin Abdul Qadar Jilani is the grandson of Hazrat Abdulla al
Hambli. On the other side, the mother of Hazrat Khwaja Sahib, Hazrat Bibi Mahey
Noor, is the grand daughter of Hazrat Abdulla-al-Hambli.Thus, the mother of Hazrat
Khwaja Moinuddin Hassan Chishty(R.A) is a cousin of Hazrat Ghous Pak (R.A.).
History of Syedzadgan Khuddam-e-Khwaja
Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi was Hussaini syed born in 544 hijri at Gurdez.
Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi (R.A.) and Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty
(R.A.) were first cousins and spiritual brothers. Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin
Gurdezi (R.A.) was also the Khadim-e-Khas of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A). He
used to attend on Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) day in and day out, Therefore,
he and his descendants the present Khadim community took pride and deemed it an
honour to be called “Khadims" of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A).
They are also referred to as Moallim, Syedna, Sahibzadas, Khuddam, Gaddinashin etc.
by the devotees, and pilgrims, who pour all kinds of offerings (Nazar) upon them,
in the name of Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty(R.A).
Khwaja Hussain Nagori has alluded these Khadims as equivalent to Ridwan (the door
keeper of heaven), and this shows how great Saints of the time held the Khadims
in high esteem, and appreciated their role.
When Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty(R.A) proceeded for India, his Peer-o-Murshid
(spiritual mentor) Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni(R.A) asked him to take one of his
blood relations and follower, Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi (R.A.) along
with him. Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi(R.A), the Khadim-e-khas used to
attend on Hazrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishty (R.A.) day in day out.
Hazrat Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki of Delhi in his book 'Munis-ul-Arwah' writes
as under :
'During my twenty years company with my 'Shaikh'(spiritual leader), i did not find
any other person , except Fakhruddin so near to him.'
Hazrat Khwaja Fakhruddin stayed with the Huzoor Khwaja Gharib Nawaz(R.A) upto his
last breath and when Khwaja Saheb kept himself busy in prayer and meditation or
in seclusion for a number of days he looked after his affairs and management of
Khanqah and Langar Khana.
Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi (R.A.) died in Ajmer, on 25th of Rajab 642
A.H./1245 (nearly a decade after the Wisaal"(demise) of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib
Nawaz (R.A.) and was buried near Mazar-e-Pak of Khwaja Saheb in the Hujra, which
is known as "Tosh-e-Khana". His annual Urs is celebrated on the 25th of
Rajab, with all religious ceremonies, by the Khadims, (Syedzadgan).
The Khadims of Huzoor Gharib Nawaz known as "Syedzadgan" trace their descent
from Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi (R.A.) through his Sons; Hazrat Khwaja
Syed Masood(R.A), Hazrat Khwaja Syed Mahboob Bahlol(R.A) and Hazrat Khwaja Syed
Ibrahim(R.A). The Khadim's of Huzoor Gharib Nawaz(R.A) are performing the religious
duties since 8 centuries,i.e-since demise of Khwaja Gharib Nawaz(R.A).
Undoubtedly, the Khadims, who have been attached to the Shrine since its inception,
played a key role in the smooth functioning and in keeping strict discipline in
the performances of these rituals and ceremonies. As a result, they often invited
the ill-will and wrath of pilgrims and other officials. But their genuine concern
and enforcement of established customs and rituals, showing strict adherence to
the humanitarian approach of the Saint, was always upheld by the authorities.
The keys of the Holy Shrine including the Toshakhana are in the custody of the Khadims
since inception according to centuries old Kalid Bardari system of our ancestors.
Only the Khadims have the privilege to open (after giving Azan at the door step
of the Shrine) & close the doors of the Holy Shrine for centuries in religious
& hereditary capacity.
They serve the Mazar-e-Pak (Holy Shrine) and pray for those People who come and
also for those unable to come to the Holy shrine but are desirous of obtaining the
blessings of Gharib Nawaz(R.A).Their rights to serve the holy Shrine, to perform
religious rituals and arrange spiritual functions and to receive all kinds of Nazar
are hereditary and have also been judicially recognised. The documentary evidences
are in the "Malfoozat" (Sayings) of Chishtia order and historical literature,
Shahi Faramin, Sanads etc.(Imperial orders).
The jagirs and honours conferred upon the Khadim's from time to time not only by
Muslim Rulers but also by many Hindu Rajas and Chieftains of India, which was also
conferred by the British Government during their succeeding regimes. Khadim,s are
the custodians of the Shrine, the whole management & control of all the affairs
inside the Shrine (Gumbad Mubarak), are exclusively in our hands. Although Khadim's
have faced a number of revolutions and changes of the Government but under all cirumstances
and worst political up-heavals we kept ourselves ‘attached to the Holy Shrine
and perform all the traditional duties and services'.
The Mazar-e-Aqdas (Holy Shrine) of Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.) always remained
under the custody and care of the Khadims from the very beginning. All the mundane
customs & traditions of the Mazar-eAqdas (Holy Shrine) are performed by
Khadims only, according to centuries old Chishty tenet.
Khadims are the only one entitled to take Zaireen (Pilgrims) for Ziyarat (Darshan)
at the Holy Shrine, and they have the right to receive all kinds of Nazar &
Niyaz (offerings) at the Holy Shrine (Mazar-e-Aqdas) of Huzoor Khwaja Gharib Nawaz
(R.A.). The Khadims has kept the glorious traditions of secular character and composite
culture of this institution alive for the last 800 years.
For re-evaluating and re-assessing our rights by way of memorandum some relevant
facts were put before Joint Parliamentary Committee for Waqf on 4th and 5th July
2002 for their just and due consideration which is as under :-
1. It is rather unthinkable for a moment that the Khadim community in this long
checkered history of the institution has ever acted against the interest of the
institution or the country on the contrary we have always contributed for the upliftment
of the institution and also raised some structures in Dargah Sharif for the Zaireen
(Pilgrims) from our own pockets. The Khadim community has kept the glorious traditions
of secular character & composite culture of this institution alive for the last
800 years. Envy has got an evil ; thus false evidences are created or manufactured
to discredit Khadims in general out of jealousy & obvious reasons.
The Khadims, with all their devotion, have all along been undisputed first and foremost
persons in attendance of the Holy Saint, and later on with the Holy Shrine, right
from the very inception. The ancient and intimate relationship of Khadim's with
the institution is not only born out from the long uncluttered history, but also
recognised by the Sufi order of all schools-Chishtia, Qadaria, Naqshbandia, Soharvardia
and so on.
1. Both of these Personalities were the first causins and were descendants of Hazrat
ali Karam Allah Wajahu the son in law of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W)
2. Both of these Personalities were Mureeds (Disciple) from the same Peer-o-Mursheed
(spiritual mentor) Hazrat Khwaja Usman Harooni (R.A.) thus they were Peer Bahi too
(spiritual brothers).
3. But most important fact is that Hazrat Khwaja Syed Fakhruddin Gurdezi (R.A.)
was the Khadim-e-Khas (Chief attendant) of Huzoor Khwaja Gharib Nawaz (R.A.)
Duago All Devotees Chief Moallim Hazrat Khwaja Syed Moinuddin Hasan Chishty(R.A.)
Khas Gaddi-Nashin
Syed Haider Nawaz Chishty S/O HAJI M. Shah Syed Shah Nawaz Chishty
CHISHTY MANZIL (ZIA HOUSE) P.O.BOX 109,Dargah Ajmer Sharif,
{Raj} (INDIA) Pin Code:305001
+91- 08000956411 ,